Please click here for the downloadable letter. Comments and Responses to Guideline Document Uniform Framework for Extended Producers Responsibility (Under Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016) Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change - June, 2020 Comments may be sent at, on or before 31st July, 2020 The Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) (Under Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016) is a welcome provision when there has been a dramatic increase in plastic pollution and the inclusion of the industry or producers to take responsibility for their plastic waste is of extreme importance. In India, approx 25,940 tonnes of plastic waste is produced everyday of which a large portion is trashed. A key reason why so much plastic ends up in the trash is because nearly 50% plastic is being made into single-use items (Plastics Oceans International) and no amount of management and recycling will solve the issue unless production sy...